Getting started with DynamoDB-Mock

DynamoDB is a minimalistic NoSQL engine provided by Amazon as a part of their AWS product.

DynamoDB allows you to store documents composed of unicode, number or binary data as well are sets. Each tables must define a hash_key and may define a range_key. All other fields are optional.

DynamoDB is really awesome but is terribly slooooow with managment tasks. This makes it completly unusable in test environements.

ddbmock brings a nice, tiny, in-memory or sqlite implementation of DynamoDB along with much better and detailed error messages. Among its niceties, it features a double entry point:

  • regular network based entry-point with 1:1 correspondance with stock DynamoDB
  • embeded entry-point with seamless boto intergration 1, ideal to avoid spinning yet another server.

ddbmock is not intended for production use. It will lose your data. you’ve been warned! I currently recommend the “boto extension” mode for unit-tests and the “server” mode for functional tests.


$ pip install ddbmock

Example usage

Run as Regular client-server

Ideal for test environment. For stage and production I highly recommend using DynamoDB servers. ddbmock comes with no warranty and will loose your data(tm).

Launch the server

$ pserve development.ini # launch the server on

Start the client

import boto
from ddbmock import connect_boto_network

# Use the provided helper to connect your *own* endpoint
db = connect_boto_network()

# Done ! just use it wherever in your project as usual.
db.list_tables() # get list of tables (empty at this stage)

Note: if you do not want to import ddbmock only for the helper, here is a reference implementation:

def connect_boto_network(host='localhost', port=6543):
    import boto
    from boto.regioninfo import RegionInfo
    endpoint = '{}:{}'.format(host, port)
    region = RegionInfo(name='ddbmock', endpoint=endpoint)
    return boto.connect_dynamodb(region=region, port=port, is_secure=False)

Run as a standalone library

Ideal for unit testing or small scale automated functional tests. Nice to play around with boto DynamoDB API too :)

import boto
from ddbmock import connect_boto_patch

# Wire-up boto and ddbmock together
db = connect_boto_patch()

# Done ! just use it wherever in your project as usual.
db.list_tables() # get list of tables (empty at this stage)

Note, to clean patches made in boto.dynamodb.layer1, you can call clean_boto_patch() from the same module.

Using ddbmock for tests

Most tests share the same structure:

  1. Set the things up
  2. Test and validate
  3. Clean everything up and start again

If you use ddbmock as a standalone library (which I recommend for this purpose), feel free to access any of the public methods in the database and table to perform direct checks

Here is a template taken from GetItem functional test using Boto.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import unittest
import boto

TABLE_WT = 123
TABLE_HK_NAME = u'hash_key'
TABLE_RK_NAME = u'range_key'

HK_VALUE = u'123'
RK_VALUE = u'Decode this data if you are a coder'

ITEM = {
    u'relevant_data': {u'B': u'THVkaWEgaXMgdGhlIGJlc3QgY29tcGFueSBldmVyIQ=='},

class TestGetItem(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        from ddbmock.database.db import dynamodb
        from ddbmock.database.table import Table
        from ddbmock.database.key import PrimaryKey

        # Do a full database wipe

        # Instanciate the keys
        hash_key = PrimaryKey(TABLE_HK_NAME, TABLE_HK_TYPE)
        range_key = PrimaryKey(TABLE_RK_NAME, TABLE_RK_TYPE)

        # Create a test table and register it in ``self`` so that you can use it directly
        self.t1 = Table(TABLE_NAME, TABLE_RT, TABLE_WT, hash_key, range_key)

        # Very important: register the table in the DB[TABLE_NAME]  = self.t1

        # Unconditionally add some data, for example.
        self.t1.put(ITEM, {})

    def tearDown(self):
        from ddbmock.database.db import dynamodb
        from ddbmock import clean_boto_patch

        # Do a full database wipe

        # Remove the patch from Boto code (if any)

    def test_get_hr(self):
        from ddbmock import connect_boto_patch
        from ddbmock.database.db import dynamodb

        # Create the database connection ie: patch boto
        db = connect_boto_patch()

        # Example test
        expected = {
            u'ConsumedCapacityUnits': 0.5,
            u'Item': ITEM,

        key = {
            u"HashKeyElement":  {TABLE_HK_TYPE: HK_VALUE},
            u"RangeKeyElement": {TABLE_RK_TYPE: RK_VALUE},

        # Example chech
        self.assertEquals(expected, db.layer1.get_item(TABLE_NAME, key))

If ddbmock is used as a standalone server, restarting it should do the job, unless SQLite persistence is used.

Advanced usage

A significant part of ddbmock is now configurable through ddbmock.config parameters. This includes the storage backend.

By default, ddbmock has no persitence and stores everything in-memory. Alternatively, you can use the SQLite storage engine but be warned that it will be slower. To switch the backend, you will to change a configuration variable before creating the first table.

from ddbmock import config

# switch to sqlite backend
config.STORAGE_ENGINE_NAME = 'sqlite'
# define the database path. defaults to 'dynamo.db'
config.STORAGE_SQLITE_FILE = '/tmp/my_database.sqlite'

Please note that ddbmock does not persist table metadata currently. As a consequence, you will need to create the tables at each restart even with the SQLite backend. This is hoped to be improved in future releases.

See for a full list of parameters.

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