Table class

class ddbmock.database.table.Table(name, rt, wt, hash_key, range_key, status='CREATING')

Table abstraction. Actual ddbmock.database.item.Item are stored in store.



Table.__init__(name, rt, wt, hash_key, range_key, status='CREATING')

Create a new Table. When manually creating a table, make sure you registered it in ddbmock.database.db.DynamoDB with a something like[name] = Table(name, "...").

Even though there are DELAY_CREATING seconds before the status is updated to ACTIVE, the table is immediately available. This is a slight difference with real DynamooDB to ease unit and functionnal tests.

  • name – Valid table name. No further checks are performed.
  • rt – Provisioned read throughput.
  • wt – Provisioned write throughput.
  • hash_keyddbmock.database.key.Key instance describe the hash_key
  • hash_keyddbmock.database.key.Key instance describe the range_key or None if table has no range_key
  • status – (optional) Valid initial table status. If Table needd to be avaible immediately, use ACTIVE, otherwise, leave default value.


rt and wt are only used by DescribeTable and UpdateTable. No throttling is nor will ever be done.


classmethod Table.from_dict(data)

Alternate constructor which deciphers raw DynamoDB request data before ultimately calling regular __init__ method.

See __init__() for more insight.

Parameters:data – raw DynamoDB request data.
Returns:fully initialized Table instance

Table manipulations



Remove all Items from this table. This is like a reset. Might be very usefull in unit and functional tests.



If the table was ACTIVE, update its state to DELETING. This is not a destructor, only a sate updater and the Table instance will still be valid afterward. In all othercases, raise ddbmock.errors.ResourceInUseException.

If you want to perform the full table delete cycle, please use ddbmock.database.db.DynamoDB.delete_table() instead

Raises:ddbmock.errors.ResourceInUseException is the table was not in Active state



Unconditionnaly set Table status to ACTIVE. This method is automatically called by the constructor once DELAY_CREATING is over.


Table.update_throughput(rt, wt)

Update table throughput. Same conditions and limitations as real DynamoDB applies:

  • No more that 1 decrease operation per UTC day.
  • No more than doubling throughput at once.
  • Table must be in ACTIVE state.

Table status is then set to UPDATING until DELAY_UPDATING delay is over. Like real DynamoDB, the Table can still be used during this period

  • rt – New read throughput
  • wt – New write throughput

ddbmock.errors.ResourceInUseException if table was not in ACTIVE state


ddbmock.errors.LimitExceededException if the other above conditions are not met.



Compute the whole table size using the same rules as the real DynamoDB. Actual memory usage in ddbmock will be much higher due to dict and Python overheadd.


Real DynamoDB updates this result every 6 hours or so while this is an “on demand” call.

Returns:cumulated size of all items following DynamoDB size computation.



Serialize this table to DynamoDB compatible format. Every fields are realistic, including the TableSizeBytes which relies on get_size.()

Some DynamoDB requests only send a minimal version of Table metadata. to reproduce this behavior, just set verbose to False.

Parameters:verbose – Set to False to skip table size computation.
Returns:Serialized version of table metadata compatible with DynamoDB API syntax.

Items manipulations


Table.delete_item(key, expected)

Delete item at key from the databse provided that it matches expected values.

This operation is atomic and blocks all other pending write operations.

  • key – Raw DynamoDB request hash and range key dict.
  • expected – Raw DynamoDB request conditions.

deepcopy of ddbmock.database.item.Item as it was before deletion.


ddbmock.errors.ConditionalCheckFailedException if conditions are not met.


Table.update_item(key, actions, expected)

Apply actions to item at key provided that it matches expected.

This operation is atomic and blocks all other pending write operations.

  • key – Raw DynamoDB request hash and range key dict.
  • actions – Raw DynamoDB request actions.
  • expected – Raw DynamoDB request conditions.

both deepcopies of ddbmock.database.item.Item as it was (before, after) the update.


ddbmock.errors.ConditionalCheckFailedException if conditions are not met.


ddbmock.errors.ValidationException if actions attempted to modify the key or the resulting Item is biggere than config.MAX_ITEM_SIZE


Table.put(item, expected)

Save item in the database provided that expected matches. Even though DynamoDB UpdateItem operation only supports returning ALL_OLD or NONE, this method returns both old and new values as the throughput, computed in the view, takes the maximum of both size into account.

This operation is atomic and blocks all other pending write operations.

  • item – Raw DynamoDB request item.
  • expected – Raw DynamoDB request conditions.

both deepcopies of ddbmock.database.item.Item as it was (before, after) the update or empty item if not found.


ddbmock.errors.ConditionalCheckFailedException if conditions are not met.


Table.get(key, fields)

Get fields from ddbmock.database.item.Item at key.

  • key – Raw DynamoDB request key.
  • fields – Raw DynamoDB request array of field names to return. Empty to return all.

reference to ddbmock.database.item.Item at key or None when not found


ddbmock.errors.ValidationException if a range_key was provided while table has none.


Table.query(hash_key, rk_condition, fields, start, reverse, limit)

Return fields of all items with provided hash_key whose range_key matches rk_condition.

  • hash_key – Raw DynamoDB request hash_key.
  • rk_condition – Raw DynamoDB request range_key condition.
  • fields – Raw DynamoDB request array of field names to return. Empty to return all.
  • start – Raw DynamoDB request key of the first item to scan. Empty array to indicate first item.
  • reverse – Set to True to parse the range keys backward.
  • limit – Maximum number of items to return in this batch. Set to 0 or less for no maximum.

Results(results, cumulated_size, last_key)


ddbmock.errors.ValidationException if start['HashKeyElement'] is not hash_key


Table.scan(scan_conditions, fields, start, limit)

Return fields of all items matching scan_conditions. No matter the start key, scan allways starts from teh beginning so that it might be quite slow.

  • scan_conditions – Raw DynamoDB request conditions.
  • fields – Raw DynamoDB request array of field names to return. Empty to return all.
  • start – Raw DynamoDB request key of the first item to scan. Empty array to indicate first item.
  • limit – Maximum number of items to return in this batch. Set to 0 or less for no maximum.

Results(results, cumulated_size, last_key, scanned_count)